AUSTERE MAGAZINE // September 22, 2015 // Min Wu: Liquid Metamorphosis // London Fashion Week

New on the block designer, Min Wu had her “official London Fashion Week debut” this season. She was also one of the ten finalists in the London College of Fashion MA showcase only February last year.

This clean collection with gradient prints and structured
silhouettes, combined with elasticity in the clothing, expresses how
Wu aimed to create a collection that shows how human muscles are rigid
but able to adjust and stretch. Then adding in the use of functional
materials and technology, brings the collection into the epitome of
modernity in today’s fashion industry.

Colours like pinks, and blues on the fabrics combined with white make
this collection feel clinical, which reflects well with the fashion
film that went along with the collection called “Adjusting/Healing”
directed by David Richardson, all about “self discovery and recovery“.
The colours also added femininity to the strong shapes, plastic
accessories and backpacks. But with denim also making a comeback, Min
Wu has also been quite forward thinking as her first four looks are made
pretty much only out of this trending fabric.

Photography by James Moffatt

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